Creating Media - Desktop Publishing

Creating Media - Desktop Publishing

During this unit, learners will become familiar with the terms ‘text’ and ‘images’ and understand that they can be used to communicate messages. They will use desktop publishing software and consider careful choices of font size, colour and type to edit and improve premade documents. Learners will be introduced to the terms ‘templates’, ‘orientation’, and ‘placeholders’ and begin to understand how these can support them in making their own template for a magazine front cover. They will start to add text and images to create their own pieces of work using desktop publishing software. Learners will look at a range of page layouts thinking carefully about the purpose of these and evaluate how and why desktop publishing is used in the real world.

1️⃣Words and Pictures 2️⃣Can you edit it?3️⃣Great Template!4️⃣Can you add content?5️⃣Lay it Out 6️⃣Why desktop publishing?